25 posts
Spotify notifies customers of breach, files under CCPA
Streaming service Spotify has notified an unspecified number of its customers of a data breach, responding by resetting…
California Issues Fourth Set Of Amendments To CCPA Regulations | Fox Rothschild LLP – JDSupra
California Issues Fourth Set Of Amendments To CCPA Regulations | Fox Rothschild LLP – JDSupra On the…
First CCPA Settlement Reached in Hanna Andersson Case
First CCPA Settlement Reached in Hanna Andersson Case Tuesday, December 15, 2020 CPW readers are already familiar with…
Data Breach: Online Retailer to Settle CCPA and UCL Allegations
Unredacted, unencrypted customer PII stored on the ecommerce platform was scraped by hackers and offered for sale on…
Legitimacy: AEPD Spain Fines Telecom EUR 75,000 for Willful GDPR Breach
The telecom failed to resolve an individual’s complaint after it charged him another individual’s invoice 5 times (the…
Legislation: EU Parliament Approves Class Action Model
Qualified entities designated by Member States (after demonstrating that they meet specific criteria) can bring actions for protection…
Hacker: ICO UK Fines Ticket Company £1.25 Million For Data Breach
An attacker inserted malicious code into the chatbot on the company’s payment page, potentially compromising the financial data…
ICO issues enforcement notice against Experian
October 27th 2020 saw the Information Commissioner issue an ‘Enforcement Notice’ against Experian, under DPA18, for its processing…
Data Breach: NY Regulator Finds Social Network Lacked Appropriate Security
A social network platform was breached by hackers taking advantage of remote working vulnerabilities (i.e., the hackers exploited…
Data Breach: Retailer to Pay NJ AG $235,000 for Improper Disposal by Supermarket Pharmacies
Supermarkets operating in-store pharmacies failed to properly dispose of electronic devices used to collect the signatures and purchase…
Data Breach: Health Provider to Pay AGs $5 Million -USA
Data Breach: Health Provider to Pay AGs $5 Million Compromise of the company’s administrative credentials resulted in exfiltration…
Data Breach: ICO UK Fines Airline £20 Million for Insufficient Security
Data Breach: ICO UK Fines Airline £20 Million for Insufficient Security An attacker gained access to the company’s…
Microsoft’s Privacy Chief Calls for Greater Consumer Data Protection to Aid Pandemic Recovery
LGPD: MPDFT Brazil Files First Public Civil Action
A preliminary injunction is sought against a company that unlawfully sells personal information (i.e., name and contact details) to professionals…
COVID -19 has forced retailers into the cloud and on-line – which presents additional privacy and security challenges
Companies are reacting to the changes in consumer behavior and moving on-line – that bring additional challenges and…
CCPA Bill Extending Exemptions Passes Through California Legislature
The passage of this bill likely brings some welcomed relief to companies subject to CCPA, as the existing…
Secret contracts may soon bring privacy features to public Blockchains
Interesting development around blockchain privacy #privacy #blockchain #emergingrisk #data
California’s CCPA now enforced worldwide – How New Zealand is looking at CCPA
The impact of CCPA is being recognized around the world as people look to do business with California…
What’s The Impact Of Data Privacy Regulation On Loyalty Marketing?
…Consumer-facing brands in the U.S. are contending with a growing array of consumer privacy laws. There has been…
CCPA for Marketers: What You Really Need to Know
Great article on CCPA California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) has put restrictions and conditions on how organizations can store,…
Opt-In: Advertising Industry Urges Texas to Reject Restricted Privacy Approach “The Texas Privacy Council should be mindful of unintended side effects of a legislative approach that…
COVID-19: South Carolina Department of Health Best Practices for Businesses – Privacy Concerns
Where an employee tests positive, HR, Employee Relations or a supervisor should collect from the employee relevant information…
The Connecticut Insurance Data Security Law goes into effect on October 1, 2020.
The Connecticut Insurance Data Security Law goes into effect on October 1, 2020. Licensed insurance companies, and…
New York Department of Financial Services announced cybersecurity charges against First American Title Insurance Company.
Continuing our updates on Privacy Risk and Readiness Management Despite the massive impacts of the pandemic on…
Legislation: US Bill Requires Mandatory Encryption Backdoors
If passed, Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act (“Act”) is introduced in the United States Senate – if…